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How can I pay?There are some ways in which payment is possible. For example, you can pay with your credit or debit card, but also with PayPal or bank transfer. You can pay on the farm with Payconiq or cash. Remember that shipments only take place after the amount has been credited to our account.
Can I also pick up at the farm?Hell yes! Pick up is certainly possible. However, we do not have a physical store and therefore no standard opening hours. You must therefore always contact us for on-site collections. Also visits to the farm always happen by appointment.
Can I just visit the farm?Yes! Visiting the farm is possible, but contact is also required here in advance. We are not always at home and have no fixed opening hours or visiting hours. Note that a visit to the farm is accompanied by a visitor rate.
How do I maintain my alpaca wool clothing? Hoe onderhoud ik mijn alpacawollen kledij?Because alpaca wool is a natural product, you should also treat it with care. Alpaca wool is a powerful and durable fiber. With proper maintenance, your clothing will last a very long time. But how should I do this now? In itself it is not difficult, the most important thing is that your alpaca wool should certainly not be washed too hot. Alpaca wool is very sensitive to shrinkage. Some tips for the maintenance of woolen clothing: - Fold knitted woolen clothes and store them in the wardrobe instead of hanging them up, - Close zippers and close the buttons when you put the woolen clothes in the wardrobe, - Folds after wearing woolen clothes can be ironed out by hanging the garment in the steaming bathroom or outside in the morning with dew, - You can refresh woolen clothes after wearing by hanging it out overnight, - To keep moths out of the wardrobe, use lavender, dried bay leaf or cedar moth balls, - Alpaca wool is very sensitive to shrinkage, hand washing is, outside the socks, therefore the advice, - Wool has a self-cleaning function and therefore needs to be washed less often. Aangezien alpacawol een natuurproduct is moet je het ook met zorg behandelen. Alpacawol is een krachtige en duurzame vezel. Bij goed onderhoud gaat je kledij zeer lang mee. Maar hoe moet ik dit nu doen? Op zich is het niet moeilijk onthoud vooral dat het balangrijkste is dat je alpacawol zeker niet te warm mag wassen. Alpacawol is namelijk zeer krimpgevoelig. Enkele tips voor het onderhoud van wollen kleding: - Gebreide wollen kleding opvouwen en opbergen in de kledingkast i.p.v. ophangen, - Sluit ritsen en doe de knopen dicht als je de wollen kleding in de kledingkast legt, - Plooien na het dragen van wollen kleding kunnen gladgestreken worden door het kledingstuk in de dampende badkamer te hangen of buiten op een ochtend met dauw, - Wollen kleding verfris je na het dragen door het een nacht buiten te hangen, - Om motten te weren uit de kledingkast, gebruik lavendel, gedroogde laurierblad of cederhouten mottenballen, - Alpacawol is zeer krimpgevoelig, handwas is, buiten de sokken, dan ook het advies, - Wol heeft een zelfreinigende functie en hoeft daarom minder vaak gewassen geworden.
We have already contacted U but received no response?No worries, we have busy periods on the farm, so we are often not able to immediately answer or answer your call or message. If you try to reach us by phone, it is best to speak something at our voicemail or contact us by mail.
What do you sell? More than you can find here!We do not only sell the products that you can find on this website. In theory we provide everything from and for the alpaca, everything for the alpaca farm and everything for the alpaca fan. You can also visit us on the farm for the purchase of animals and matings. Things you cannot find on this website. For example, in addition to the products for sale online, we also offer various services related to alpaca. Services we offer include a shaving service, vacation sitting, management follow-up and many more. More information can be found on our company website
We zijn niet enkel een alpacafokkerij. Je kan bij ons ook terecht voor producten en diensten van en voor alpaca's.
Salictum alpacafarm
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